Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Write my plan.

i need to start to manage my time.
now i feel like too much to do, too little time, sometimes its end up i do nothing :S

my concern is that i really need sometime for myself otherwise i will burn out.

so.... im trying to be flexible as i can but i rlly need to make schedule :S

there are some activities that i want to do after work : visiting sick ppl, gym, learn guitar, learn mandarin ( ive got test on april), me time, start to write again (be a writer is one of my dream) , clean up my room, etc etc..

Thank God today i got something,
when im in the middle of writing this articles, i told my friend about how i need more time in a day. He sent me picture that blown me away. i will post the picture in the next post direct from my phone.
Its writter :
Write your plan with a pencil, but give the eraser to God
cus He will erase wrong planand change it with the best plan for you :)

I think what i need to do is to write all my plan and pray for it and let God do correction to it :)

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