Saturday, February 4, 2012

How to make yourself attractive - Ps Kong Hee & Sun

Successful marriage is less right personalities than right practices

How to be attractive :
1. You can lighten up - men like women who don't take seriously

2. Keep youthful attitude - man always attractive inner youthfulness
Be willing to learn, participate.curious

3. Don't lash out your frustation -

4. Attractive body language - qscommunication is made up of : 55 % body language, 38 % vocal tone, 7 % actual words

5. You are loving ( 2 type of person - who lives a live in fear and in love )

J - Jesus
O - others
Y - yourself

I'm not affraid because I'm my Father's daughter.

Have a healthy self esteem - how u feel about urself
Hv a healthy self respect - how u think about yourself

Be yourself and hv a revelation about who you are in God, you are God's daughter :)
Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

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