Sunday, February 5, 2012

Emotional Resilience - Robi Sonderegger

God responding to authentic heart - pada saat Elijah doa minta hujan pada Tuhan, Tuhan kasih hujan.

Elijah tau Lord is his father so he just pray and ask to God. He knows that God loves him.

Kadang kita sampe to the end where we can take it anymore, seeing God works in other people - Elijah, even Jesus in getsemani "if its possible take this cup for me, but no My will, let Ur will be done"

Sometime the journey is too much for you to bear.
God giving elijah food and sleep ( phisycal needs)

Worrying is always anticipated someting negative that not happen yet.

Worrying is not the solution.

Romans 12:2

Think --> Feel --> body-->action--> think

If we get our foundation right, eat sleep well, we can reverse the direction

Traps : biasanya kita jawab bgini kalo Tuhan tanya kita :
1. Declare your own rightousness
2. Blame others
3. Take on the victim's mentality

Saat dimana we can't take it anymore, God not done yet with us.

When we can stand strong n keep going, its sign of humility.

Then God will ask again, and in this moment God will reveal himslef the truth

More on zone : place out of our limit we can handle something.

Kita harus punya saluran untuk mengeluarkan our frustation from our frustration bucket.

Sometimes when we are in frustration we asking wrong question - why?
We should ask who, who you are, who is God.
We have to keep going, don't stand there and stop.

Psalm 77:1 -
King David was inpleased, but ayat 12 -
Approach God
God is not the accuser, God will cheering up us. God won't condemn us. God will give us accedingly abundantly above beyond what we can ever imagine.

Saat kita mikirin lebih banyak yg kita ga mau,kita akan dpt lbh banyak dari apa yg kita ga mau itu.

Just know who is our Father, He can make all things possible for Him.and He will provide all ur needs.

You will be amazed of His works.
Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

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