Saturday, February 4, 2012

Born Identity - Robi Sonderegger

We designed for relationship ( our brain contain of neuron connection since we born)

We always compare to other about who is better, who is the greatest

Matthew 18 : 2-6 Maka Yesus memanggil seorang anak kecil dan menempatkannya di tengah-tengah mereka 3  lalu berkata: "Aku berkata kepadamu, sesungguhnya jika kamu tidak bertobat dan menjadi seperti anak kecil ini, kamu tidak akan masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Sorga. 4 Sedangkan barangsiapa merendahkan diri dan menjadi seperti anak kecil ini, dialah yang terbesar dalam Kerajaan Sorga. 5 Dan barangsiapa menyambut seorang anak seperti ini dalam nama-Ku, ia menyambut Aku."
6 "Tetapi barangsiapa menyesatkan salah satu dari anak-anak kecil ini yang percaya kepada-Ku, lebih baik baginya jika sebuah batu kilangan diikatkan pada lehernya lalu ia ditenggelamkan ke dalam laut.

Everything has made in purpose.

We have to know how we are, and who God is.

We are belong to our God. Jesus came to start relationship, not religion.

We need to discover our value. when we understand who we are, we know what we worth.

Gift, skill, talent
Parabel tentang talenta - well done good and faithfull servent -
Its not what u got, its about what you do to what u got.

* what is ur interest
* what is ur passion
* what is ur purpose - the focus shouldn't in me

Bcos sometimes we don't able to see, we no confident.

kita selalu menjadikan diri kita as a center, maka kita selalu ga confident. Padahal kalau fokusnya ga pada kita tp krn kita pgn bless other kita akan be confident lagi.

If we have to pull other ppl down in order to lift myself, we have self esteem.

What produce confident : do what's right. Why do I do what I do?
*whatever you got, invested it wisely to produce mastery and talent
*go ahead and so something nice to someone u don't know
*go ahead and do something nice to someone u don't like - don't let them control u.
*its the right thing to do.

What am I worth? Jesus said you are worth dying for
Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

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