Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Well, nothing bad happened  so far :p
But i have question for God, because i dont know what is His plan for me
but ive start finding something funny in me these days :S

Well, aku bukan pedofilia (aku ga tau berapa jarak minimal perbedaan umur antara dia dengan target, untuk bisa disebut pedofilia). But aku mulai finding this crazy little thing yang suka disebut-sebut orang.
Well, ga sepenuhnya sih, cuma awal2 yang kayak ABG abis.... males banget kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn zzzzzzzzzz
udah gitu orangnya jauh lebih muda dari aku getoooooooooo lhoooooooooooooooo (apakah gejala pedofil ku mulai keliatan? hiks)

Itu loh, yang nerves klo mau ketemu, yang suka ga berani liat dia langsung tapi kalo dia ga ada nyari2 huahah...
terus lagi yang suka ngomongin dia sama best friend aku sampe ada nama sebutan segala biar ga ketauan :P
olala......... rasanya ingin teriak : inget umur oiii!!!
Nina 1 : Ahh... tapi kan perasaan kayak gini tuh milik universal
Nina 2 : iyaaa tapi ga usah pake gaya2 abege gitu deh
Nina 1 : idihhhhhh sirik ajah, kan gw masih berjiwa muda
Nina 2 : inget tuh keriput bawah mata
Nina 1 : aaaaaaaa.............!!! no reminder pls!!!

Jadi gimana? jadi gimana? God? perasaan ini ngapain ada diaku yah? buat hiburan gitu yah karena kemaren aku broken heart xD o lala...

Its something that i cant resist lho God, but i know the person is real, but it seems like impossible ( God said nothing is impossible with Him who strengthen me .. nah lho)

So how God? apa yang harus aku lakuin? peliharan or ancurin nih crazy feeling? hahahaha!!

Well, God... pls give me the reason why you put this feeling in my heart :) thanks *hugs* ( God said you may not understand now, but someday you will ) aaaaaaa..........

When is the somedayyyy???
  1. God made everything beautiful in itself and in its time—but he's left us in the dark, so we can never know what God is up to, whether he's coming or going
we dont know when is the Its Time xD 

Nevermind just believe that God will make everything beautiful :D someday my friend.. someday =)

*sekarang senyum padahal dalam hari sekarat penasaran huhuuhhuuhuh* 

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