Sunday, December 4, 2011

Never Forget - Steve Munsey

Don't forget the mirror of God (God's word).
Don't forget about how we are in Christ - we are the apple of His eyes, the head and not the tail.

But if we forget about how we are in Christ, we will start to listen to this world.
Don't forget what God has done in our life, don't forget about what God is doing in our life.

When God for us, who can be againts us? Joy of the Lord is our strength, we can't defeat the enemy when we have no joy.

Samson never forget how he was, where he get his power until delilah cut his hair. They cut his eyes, so he can't see himself in the mirror.

When he cried out to God and see who he was, not by his eyes but his spiritual eyes, his power is back.

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