Saturday, December 10, 2011

I could say its hard to be in this situation. I've been trying to win this battle, but end up broken.

I know, my first and fatal mistake is letting myself fight in the battle. Yes. I shouldn't fight by myself, cus the battle is God's.
God said that He will win the battle for me. What should I do is just wait and see, and keep praising God. ( Remember the story of King Yosaphat won the battle)
Keep the joy in me so I can be strengthen. Keep God's word as a power and reminder that we will win the battle for sure.

We don't fight by flesh and don't fight flesh, but by the spirit of God to fight the evil spirit which want us to be week and down.

Let rejoice and praise God, keep the joy of the Lord in our heart. Let God fight for our battle cus we will win for sure :)
Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

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